Most times a lot of us very easily give up on activities after several attempts when all we need is just "one more attempt" to success, We get so discouraged and weary to go on because we cannot see immediate result, we lack the resilience required to achieve utmost success. We give up easily after putting in so much effort. I remember a few years ago in Lagos Nigeria, when I needed to change my car Tyre which looked quite low in air. I had put air previously and severally but it kept going down so I knew I needed to work on the tyre. I drove to the nearest vulcanizer I saw at Obanikoro Bus Stop on Ikorodu Road. He tried all he could to get the tyre out, he even applied some lubricants but the tyre still wouldn't come out. I noticed how hard he had worked to achieve success on this job and I prayed quietly for him to achieve total success. At a point I felt he was making a headway but all of a sudden he announced to me, "I am sorry ma'am I cannot continue. This is taking too much of my time, other customers might think I am busy and drive past. You do not have to pay me, just take your car somewhere else". I pleaded with him to make one more attempt because I had the feeling he was almost there as he had put in so much work already. He was adamant.
I entered my car disappointed and drove just ten feet away to another vulcanizer. This man attempted just once and the tyre came off! The first man did all the work, refused to make "one more attempt" to reaping the fruits of his labor. He worked for someone else to eat. I looked back and saw him seated doing nothing, no other customer yet. How sad!
A lot of us are victims of this "one more attempt". Do not ever give up. A child learning how to walk falls down over fifty times but never thinks to herself, this is not for me and keeps trying. It is not over until it is over, keep trying, you might just be "one more attempt" to achieving your long awaited success/breakthrough. All it takes is just "ONE MORE ATTEMPT".
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