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Parents, Plan for your Old Age

 Dear Parents,

The time for you to prepare and plan for your tomorrow is now, if you haven’t started. Pls do not rely on any child for your old age, no matter how much you may have sacrificed or are still sacrificing for them because unlike us, the children these days do not have space for their parents in their future plans! If you happen to be one of the lucky few, congratulations, but do not be caught napping! It’s better to be safe than to be sorry. 

It’s all about them! Only about them! Only about them and their tomorrow. Listen to them speak. Engage them in discussions relating to their future. You will be shocked.

The feeling of entitlement these children/youths exhibit is out of this world. No matter what you do or how much sacrifice you make, they believe it’s their right and most of them believe that they owe you nothing in return as you are simply performing your parental roles. A child once said to me “I didn’t beg my parents to bring me into this world”. Another one whose mother was sick and hospitalised in one of the general hospitals in Lagos needed someone to be by her side was appealed to, as they needed a family member around, but responded “I am not a caregiver, let the hospital take care of her!" What are we paying them for? I can’t afford to miss the appointment I have, it’s about my future“. That future obviously doesn’t involve this woman who had toiled all her life for this child to enable her plan for that same future. Need I say more?

Parents, please as you make plans for the children, do well to put something aside and make plans for yourself too. Make friends! Connect with your former school mates and maintain good relationships with them. Hang out more often, the kids will be alright. 

Be nice to your neighbors and colleagues, be polite and active on social media, you never can tell when and where your paths will cross again. Connect to a support system/group. Join one today. When the call comes for contributions to help anyone in need, pls contribute your bit no matter how small, it’s a seed for the future that will germinate. 

Do well to take care of you and plan for you as well. 


  1. Hmmm,this is so enlightening. Thanks Momma.

  2. Gbam!!! She has spoken it as it is o

  3. Hmmmm.....hard truth we need to be told
    more inspiration maami

  4. May we not be tested with our children

  5. Hmmm, food for thoughts ma'am
    So enlighten

  6. Wow, thank you ma for the reminder

  7. Hmmmmm... May God help us all

  8. Aptly said, especially for African (Nigerian) parents! Parents in the abroad already know they need to make provision for their latter years. While I believe that Children should take care of their parents, please do not unduly burden your children!

  9. This is nothing but the truth. May God open the eyes of our children.

  10. Well said mama,it's only in Africa parents have this entitlement thinking n say similar prayers to that entitlement, the truth is planning for once old age is a necessity like Avin a car to move around,thanks for opening our eyes even more ma

  11. This is so inspiring honestly speaking!

  12. This is so timely and very informative.
    God bless you richly ma.

  13. Thank you so much ma. This is awakening! I am glad to know this o. Gotta start working on it

  14. This is absolutely a bitter truth and equally a charge for spouses to learn to become each others keepers till their very old age especially in homes where violence has become order of the day and both are finding themselves like a thorn in each others flesh, time will surely tell because the children will have their own family to raise and will hardly have the luxury of time to attend to dispute settlement or absolute parent's care then, hummmmmmmmmmmmmn, God help us, thanks for this enlightening post Beams, more wisdom.

    Temitope Odebode ❤️

  15. This is food for thought because with the way things are going,one need to really save for one's self,most kids truely think of themselves more than their parents,more grace mummy Beams

  16. Wow! You have said nothing but the truth, God bless you momma
    We need to create our own world as the children are creating theirs ☺️


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