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Thursday, June 30, 2016 11:14 AM ...and his name is MESSI.   His father is Kehinde Afolajimi, from Osun State, South West Nigeria   popularly known in his Palmgroove Lagos locality as "UP BARCA". An ardent fan of Football Club Barcelona (FCB). His wife bore him a son on the 17th of April 2015, and he named him MESSI Joshua Afolajimi. Apparently, Messi Lionel, the great footballer of FCB is his favorite player.       At age one, his son, Messi's mastery of the game soccer, is amazing. Give Messi a ball or any round object and he is in a different world entirely. Put anything in his path and it turns into a soccer ball. His mum's cooking pots are not spared. Look out for this football champion in some years to come. What's   name got to do with it? This picture says it all. Name it, call it, say it and it becomes it! Baby MESSI JOSHUA of Nigeria.  Photos by Bimboh Chekwas   MESSI LIONEL of Arge...

Be the Sermon

Let your life be the sermon. See people through the eyes of love and not by what they wear, how dirty they look or what they have done wrong. John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. (KJV Bible)


True success is when you reach back and bring others with you helping them to succeed. The greatest investment you can make is in people, helping them to succeed and to accomplish their goals. It may also interest you to know that when you do for others what they cannot do for themselves, you will never lack God's favor. Try and sort someone out today!


Sometimes you have to give up winning for others to win, sometimes you have to put  your dreams on hold to help others realize and achieve their dreams. When you are a dream 'releaser' God will make sure your dreams come to pass.

What Determines your End?

When God breathes His life in you, He already has your end established. The beginning does not determine your destiny, it's the expected end and last s c ene that matter. It is not how you started but how you finished. No matter what you may be experiencing right now, as long as God has breathed His life in you, trust me, He's got you covered, your end is assured to be super great in as much as you hold on to Him. You may have had a rough start but that does not determine your expected end, as long as you do not ruin your tomorrow with your today. Hold on to Him, give your life to Christ genuinely and He's got your back with a future assured.


  Most times a lot of us very easily give up on activities after several attempts when all we need is just "one more attempt" to success, We get so discouraged and weary to go on because we cannot see immediate result, we lack the resilience required to achieve utmost success. We give up easily after putting in so much effort. I remember a few years ago in Lagos Nigeria, when I needed to change my car Tyre which looked quite low in air. I had put air previously and severally but it kept going down so I knew I needed to work on the tyre. I drove to the nearest vulcanizer I saw at Obanikoro Bus Stop on Ikorodu Road. He tried all he could to get the tyre out, he even applied some lubricants but the tyre still wouldn't come out. I noticed how hard he had worked to achieve success on this job and I prayed quietly for him to achieve total success. At a point I  felt he was making a headway but all of a sudden he announced to me, "I am sorry ma'am I cannot continue. T...

Object of Love

People generally and carelessly use the word LOVE . 'I love you', "I need love", "I want to be loved". The main object of love is not for you to get something that you want, but it is to do something for the well being of the person you love and truly love; without blinking an eye.

Your Key to Happiness

No one individual or groups holds or hold the key to your happiness. When an individual shuts a door against you, turn around and look ahead; God has opened several other doors of opportunities which you alone can see only if you move away from the shut door.

Life without Love

*Life without love is no life at all". This just dropped in my spirit mind as others but I just had the urge to expatiate a little more. Sometimes we feel so lonely even in the midst of so many people. But guess what keeps us going? Love. The fact that you know that there is someone somewhere who truly loves us is enough to carry us through life. Life without love is no life. Even if no man does, Christ loves you and always remember that. If you feel lonely, love yourself, love others. You cannot give what you do not have. You have to love yourself before you can love others. Share the love and share life!

So not Give Up

Those who have the advantage do not necessarily end up winning  all the time. Sometimes the underdogs come from behind and become victorious. Do you think you are loosing now? But you never know! So do not give up easily. It is not over until it is really over.


I turn older every 24 th of July. I just want to take sometime to sit back and reflect over the past decades of my life. There have been so many ups and low moments for me. I have been through so much emotionally than I think is necessary. I have literally not had any real friends, just me, my God and my immediate family. I have been hurt so much, I turned it all to writing. But I am grateful. I am far from being perfect, and I know I have a long way to go, but I am assured my future is bright so I won't let negativity get the best of me. Me getting older is just a reminder that God is giving me a new slate to start over and make every moment count. Some are not so lucky. I lost some people a while back and I was emotionally affected. I know that I am not alive because I am better than them, but because God is ever merciful. I want to touch and impart as many lives as possible, God sparing my life. I want to make everyday of the rest of my life count positivel...

Let Go! II

Sometimes we hold on to some things either belonging to other people or things that should not be in our possession, most times these things bring troubles our way and until we let go, peace will elude us.

An APPEAL against the KILLER!

One hand can never lift a heavy load on to one's head. There is power in togetherness. Let's join hands to kick cancer out of our lives! Help to sponsor a cancer patient today either wholly or as part of a group, you will be saving more than a generation.

Killing the Killer! (Cancer)

            My name is Abimbola Somefun Onwuchekwa. Five years ago someone in my church organized free cervical cancer screening for fifty women. I decided to key into it by sponsoring additional fifty to make a hundred but by the end of the service I discovered that someone had beaten me to it by sponsoring the additional fifty women which I wanted to. I decided to put down my name for the screening when I discovered that less than thirty women had registered. After procrastinating for several weeks, I eventually went for the screening. I was diagnosed with the first stage of CERVICAL CANCER! The reassuring voice of Dr. Femi Olaleye of Optimal Cancer Care Foundation will forever ring in my brain "congratulations madam, this centre was opened because of you...". Then I wondered how  he could congratulate me for being diagnosed with cancer! Now I understand. EARLY DETECTION!  I went for the treatment (Cryotherapy) the following day a...
The beginning of failure is when you have any or everything you want and have no control or discipline. It is a high way to destruction.
For every CHOICE you make there are CONSEQUENCES. Adherence to negative/positive suggestions will always lead to individual consequences. If you allow yourself to be influenced, be ready...the results or the consequences of that action you took will be borne by you and you alone despite the fact that someone advised you to make that decision. If you end well you alone will enjoy the encomiums that come with it, if alone will bear the disgrace, nobody will share the pain and hurt with you. 

Plain Truth

Live life like its the last, you do not own tomorrow. The only tomorrow you are certain of is the tomorrow when you will give account of your yesterday and today.
Life is your only defense. Guide and guard it jealously, it has no duplicate. You can only prove your innocence when you are alive.
The best couple never had the same character, they have the best understanding  and the best management of their differences.
Do not do things for people and expect something in return. Remember that no one is under any moral justification whatsoever to do anything for you. Do your part with a clean and clear heart and move on, else you'll be unnecessarily disappointed

Value the people in your life

May you never know the value of that precious person in your life. I pray you always have the grace to appreciate rather than know the value. Take no one for granted, when you have the opportunity to make that special person feel special, go ahead. You wouldn’t know how much that means until you really have lost the opportunity. If you fail to, someone else would.

Logic Series.

That situation is not actually the problem, but your reaction to the situation. Without a reaction, the situation remains a situation. Your reaction will make it a solution or a problem.

Plain Truth.

Condemn no one neither should you judge anyone by their present circumstances. Every sinner has a future and every saint has a past. The book of Job 8 vs 7 says... "Though thy beginning was small, yet thy end should greatly increase".

Your Naija, Your Change...and Me.

Model: EyinjuEledumare Sunday Kehinde. Age: 8 Months Old. YOUR NAIJA YOUR CHANGE...and Me.  The change will not come from above, neither will it come from below or around YOU. The change will come from YOU. Yes! YOU, within YOU!. The change is all about what you can contribute positively to the betterment of this country. Its about what YOU do, how well YOU do it and how sincere YOU are at doing it. Yes, change is a gradual process, but if YOU start positive change, get people around YOU to change positively, through not just by mere words of mouth, but by YOUR actions also, and get them to get their own people to effect positive change, then it will  be well on the way. It is high time YOU stopped blaming the government and situations and circumstances around YOU and began to stand up and do something about the state of YOUR country. I AM watching and WAITING to grow into a CHANGED NAIJA so that I can volunteer my own CHANGE!

Plain Truth.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage. Please find strength and courage by spreading love all around you.
Holiness naturally invokes empathy from our Lord Jesus Christ because it is an inspired relationship with God which we have not merited. Aspire to be holy.

Be Bold.

Your value does not decrease because someone is dead blind to notice your worth! Enjoy your life to the fullest in Christ. Life has no duplicate.

Plain Truth.

Dress the way you want to be addressed does not mean that everyone around you has a say in what you find aesthetically pleasing. Be comfortable in your own skin and wear what highlights your best features and covers flaws without being offensive with your dressing. Everyone is beautiful, you just have to find what works for you.

Single and Searching? Food for thought.

Isaiah 34:16 'Search from the book of the Lord and read, none shall lack her mate...' Every single has a God given mate as commanded in the Holy Book. Due to our own undoing we miss our 'mate'. As a single hoping to settle down, you may want to consider the following: Get education and  get some skills. Always say the truth, he/she will find out anyway. Add value to your life. Do not pretend to be who you are not the guys have seen them all. Learn to put something in the relationship, stop being demanding. There are more girls than mothers in the society, ladies should learn to be moms and not just girls. The idea of being equal with a man should be ditched, no man wants a rival but a friend, wife and mom. Her moral values and attitude should supersede all culture sometimes. A man wants a woman that will add value to his life and those of his kids and family in general . Some ladies want to be married but are ...

Appreciate Her.

She had always loved no one else but him. She gave her all without holding back. When he sneezed she shook. She was ready to go to the moon and back for him. All she ever asked for was a little attention. Just to show that he cared a little.  He took her for granted. Like a thief in the night he crawled into her life. It was a minor headache, then a chest pain. He believed she could cope. It was a Friday night and he had to hang out with the boys. He wouldn’t leave his friends just this one Friday night. The pain became unbearable, she managed to drive to the hospital alone but couldn’t get out of the car. He was there just in time to see and rescue her. He was a stranger. He saw an Angel. How did she manage to get to the hospital? Where was her husband (he noticed the wedding ring), family? For two weeks he was there for her without any strings attached; but not knowing the feelings were developing for this helpless creature. Her husband was too busy and will only call or som...

Plain Truth

You do not have to fuss about him or her, just like a pair of shoes, if its your size it will fit perfectly without having to squeeze or force. No pain! It is almost effortlessly seamless.

Logic Series.

Interesting  to note that my silence can never be copied, forwarded or quoted. Some words are better spoken unuttered. Clear actions but unstated reasons. Only the intelligent will understand.

Logic Series.

We human beings are stronger than a stone but more tender than a flower. Often times we allow our hardheadedness get in the way of things or situations that require tender approach; emotions run wild, feelings are hurt what ordinarily would have come and gone would end up bringing eternal hurt and pain.