So many homes have recently turned to mere houses, some houses of conflicts and malice, many marriages in ruins, family altars, Parents-children relationships extinct! What's up (WhatsApp) in homes? As a Marriage Counsellor and Teen Mentor, in 2017 alone I had to deal with more issues of broken marriages and teenage rebellions in homes than I have had to in ten years! A constant and main factor in all of these is WHATSAPP (what's up?) in homes. "Mom and Dad no longer have time for me. They both get back from work and jump on their phones chatting on the different groups they both belong or with friends. Nothing enters dad's ears when he is on WhatsApp, I had to create my own world. Now they want in. I am sorry ma'am, too late". Michael 15 years. WHAT'S UP IN HOMES? "My wife has absolutely no control when on WhatsApp, it's her second God. Nothing or no one matters anymore. Foods get burnt, house unkempt, shopping undo...