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Showing posts from November, 2016

Be the Sermon

Let your life be the sermon. See people through the eyes of love and not by what they wear, how dirty they look or what they have done wrong. John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. (KJV Bible)


True success is when you reach back and bring others with you helping them to succeed. The greatest investment you can make is in people, helping them to succeed and to accomplish their goals. It may also interest you to know that when you do for others what they cannot do for themselves, you will never lack God's favor. Try and sort someone out today!


Sometimes you have to give up winning for others to win, sometimes you have to put  your dreams on hold to help others realize and achieve their dreams. When you are a dream 'releaser' God will make sure your dreams come to pass.

What Determines your End?

When God breathes His life in you, He already has your end established. The beginning does not determine your destiny, it's the expected end and last s c ene that matter. It is not how you started but how you finished. No matter what you may be experiencing right now, as long as God has breathed His life in you, trust me, He's got you covered, your end is assured to be super great in as much as you hold on to Him. You may have had a rough start but that does not determine your expected end, as long as you do not ruin your tomorrow with your today. Hold on to Him, give your life to Christ genuinely and He's got your back with a future assured.


  Most times a lot of us very easily give up on activities after several attempts when all we need is just "one more attempt" to success, We get so discouraged and weary to go on because we cannot see immediate result, we lack the resilience required to achieve utmost success. We give up easily after putting in so much effort. I remember a few years ago in Lagos Nigeria, when I needed to change my car Tyre which looked quite low in air. I had put air previously and severally but it kept going down so I knew I needed to work on the tyre. I drove to the nearest vulcanizer I saw at Obanikoro Bus Stop on Ikorodu Road. He tried all he could to get the tyre out, he even applied some lubricants but the tyre still wouldn't come out. I noticed how hard he had worked to achieve success on this job and I prayed quietly for him to achieve total success. At a point I  felt he was making a headway but all of a sudden he announced to me, "I am sorry ma'am I cannot continue. T...